Stop. Wait. Wait. Observe. Absorb. Partake. This is the simple, but attention-demanding process that underlies my practice. I explore video as a way of expanding space through time, transforming movement into choreography and gesture into narrative.

Through the use of large-scale projections I examine the territories of absorption and desire as forces to transcend what is in front of us, incorporating looking as my main tool and vehicle to achieve intimacy with the portrayed subject. Through sustained and detailed close-ups, what would have normally been overlooked becomes visible, unlocking a fleeting moment into a vast space of micro narratives. Within this new immersive environment, everyday experience is reduced to a minimum, serving to highlight the moment when human becomes animal and natural elements a breathing being.




Born in Madrid, Spain, Casilda Sánchez holds a Masters Degree in Film, Video and New Media by the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. She lives and works in Brooklyn. 

Her work has been shown in museums, art centers and galleries such as Videonale13 at Kunstmuseum Bonn, La Panera Centre d'Art (Spain), Ground Floor Biennial at Hyde Park Art Center (Chicago), Aspect Ratio Gallery (Chicago), NTMoFA the National Museum of Fine Arts in Taiwan, Soho Photo Gallery (New York), Directors Lounge (Berlin), Museum of the University of Alicante (Madrid, Spain), International Roaming Biennial of Tehran (Istanbul), Estampa Art Gallery (Madrid), FILE RIO 2009 Electronic Language International Festival (Brazil), or the Museum of Visual Arts (Chile), among others.

Her work has been reviewed by publications such us Artforum (best of 3013), Time Out or New City, and it has been written about in numerous exhibition catalogues.